2 April 2020 18:15

XANO’s Board of Directors withdraws dividend proposal and postpones the Annual General Meeting

XANO's Board of Directors has decided to withdraw the previously announced proposal to the 2020 Annual General Meeting regarding a dividend of SEK 2.00 per share. XANO has a strong financial position and the decision does not change the current policy on an annual dividend corresponding to at least 30 per cent of profit after tax. However, due to the current uncertainty linked to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, the Board wants to ensure as much financial freedom of action as possible. XANO submits the report for the first quarter according to plan on 7 May and will then be able to provide more specific information on financial developments.

Furthermore, the Board has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting, which was scheduled to be held on 7 May. The primary purpose of the decision is to safeguard the health of shareholders and employees by following current recommendations for minimising the risk of contagion. At the same time, it is important to ensure and protect the rights of individual shareholders in the best possible way. In accordance with current legislation, the Meeting will be held no later than 30 June 2020. Notice will be issued in the usual manner no later than four weeks before the new date.

IR Contact

Lennart Persson
President and CEO


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