Using a new method, lightweight products are being created from a 100% recyclable plastic material. The lightweight variants, which can replace some of a vehicle’s plastic parts, are generating many benefits. In addition to the positive environmental aspect, the method entails a reduction in weight, higher sound absorption capacity and better heat insulation for the products.

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The collaboration between Fredriksons and Alfa Laval was launched in 2011 on the basis of an international convention initiated by the UN’s shipping organisation, the IMO. This convention, which has been signed by 47 countries around the world and must be complied with by the member states, is creating benefits for the environment as well as opening the door to new business opportunities.

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Through a collaboration with a neighbouring company, Cipax in Norway is utilising residual propane that would otherwise have gone to waste.

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The basic preconditions for our measurement of improvements in respect of the environment are that all Group companies report data quarterly regarding waste, energy consumption and climate emissions based both on in-house systems as well as information from suppliers. This data is compiled at Group level and compared with earlier periods. Comparisons are performed both with regard to total volumes and in relation to sales. When calculating indicators regarding sales, the comparison period’s amounts are converted to the relevant period’s average exchange rates. Newly acquired companies are included in those cases where data is available, and on a whole-year basis.

Our basic aspiration is to ensure that the Group’s operations generate a minimum of waste. The waste that nevertheless results from our activities must be dealt with by reputable recycling companies to ensure that material handling is as circular as possible. Over the past year, following a recommendation from our environmental consultant, we have altered the fractions for the collection of data for the main groupings of waste deposited for material recycling and incineration with and without energy recovery, as well as landfill.